
Social Media Campaign


The goal was to help integrate Micron as a product to be used by designers, artists, and all kinds of creators.


A creative agency representing Micron wanted me to create three small social media campaigns for Micron. First, they sent me a hard disk for the poster, which I had to explore by opening.


The three campaigns we agreed on were posters, collages and print ad based on what happens inside these chunky hard drives. 

PosterCollagePrint ad


I created a poster with a combination of photography and scanned imagery of a Micron HDD that I broke apart and scanned in. (I broke apart rather than opening it with screwdrivers because I suggested that anyone can open it with screws drivers. Let's do something different and break it by throwing it on the floor or with a hammer, and they love the idea)


SD is part of Micron, so for the second campaign, I created some hand-cut collages in the shape of SD cards and how the products can be a portal for your adventure/creativity.


For the 3rd set, we wanted to highlight Micron as a powerhouse in gaming in the past, present, and future. My solution was to create a collage weave and incorporate that into a vintage-inspired print ad.